
Seminar Series: Professor Stefan Bohlander

Seminar Series: Professor Stefan Bohlander

Tena Kotou Katoa, We are pleased to announce our upcoming presentation in our Seminar Series on Friday 27th May 1-2pm. In this seminar we have Professor Stefan Bohlander speaking about Precision medicine for haematological malignancies. Why stamp collecting was...

Andrew Shelling: Fact vs fiction: the truth about our genetic predispositions

Andrew Shelling: Fact vs fiction: the truth about our genetic predispositions

In this talk, Andrew covers the red herrings of research into genetic predispositions, and explains where advances are really being made in predicting common complex diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Part of the University of Auckland’s Raising the Bar: Home Edition series.

Prof Andrew Shelling on how genetic testing helps predict disease

Prof Andrew Shelling on how genetic testing helps predict disease

The world of lifestyle genetics is a very murky one.

There are a whole lot of things that are not diseases but traits, like baldness, food preference, freckles, or addiction, which now have genes associated with them.

Companies have been going direct to consumers asking them to spit into a tube and get information about these genes. Often these types of genetic tests target the worried well, especially through social media.

Seminar Series – Upcoming: Show and Tell, 29th April

Tena Kotou Katou, The Centre for Cancer Research (CCR) is proud to invite you to the next seminar in their new 2022 Seminar Series, which will be on Friday 29th April at 1pm. This will be a ‘Show & Tell’ event, in which we will showcase some of the fantastic...

Rakeiora Seminar

Tēnā Kotou Katoa, The Centre for Cancer Research (CCR) is proud to have started pur 2022 Seminar Series with the Flagship Seminar led by Prof. Cris Print on Thursday 31st March at 1pm. CCR have identified this seminar as foundational due to the central focus on...